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Doctor CHE-MIN ,LIN Profile

  • The International Congress of Oral Implantologists certified that Dr. Che Min Lin has completed the requirements for Diplomate as set forth by the Board of Directors, and has demonstrated an exceptional in interest in the advancement of Implant Dentistry, and is thereby recognized with the title of DIPLOMATE of The International Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2001. 

  • University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine World Health Organization Collaborating Center and Department of Periodontics certified that Dr. Che Min Lin completed the special course in Implant-Prosthesis, Implant-Periodontics, and Implant Esthetics in 2001.

  • Appointed as the Director in the 9th election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2001.

  • Appointed as the Director in the 10th election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2002.

  • New York University College of Dentistry Center for Continuing Dental Education awarded the Certificate of Achievement to Dr. Che Min Lin for successfully completing a postgraduate course under the auspices of the faculty and staff of New York University College of Dentistry. Current Concepts in American Dentistry -Implantology &Oral Rehabilitation in 2002

  • Completed the prospect course on a full ceramic dental restoration of Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry of ROC Taiwan in 2002.

  • Appointed as the Director in the 11th election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2003.

  • 7th Congress ICOI Asia Pacific Section TCOI 2nd International Conference awarded the certificate of appreciation to Dr. Che-Min Lin for contribution to the scientific program as Poster Presenter with the topic of “Augmenting Modern Implantology” in 2003.

  • Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists awarded a testimonial in appreciation of Dr. Che-Min Lin on special lecture “Implant Surgery Procedures and Implant Tools” to the congress that give the excellent knowledge and guidance in 2003.

  • Appointed as the 1st Deputy Secretary-General of the Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry in 2003.

  • Completed the educational programme of Comprehensive Orthodontics –Integrated Dental Treatment of Taiwan Association of Orthodontists in 2003.

  • Appointed as the 11th Director of the National Taiwan University Dental School Alumni Association in 2004.

  • Attended the 4th World Congress of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry hosted by the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry in Italy in 2004.

  • Conjoint 8th Congress of ICOI/Asia Pacific Section & 20th International Symposium of the AIOA presented the certificate in recognition of the contribution made by Dr. Che-Min Lin to the Scientific Programme“ Integrating Care For Integrated Implant’’ in 2004.

  • Successfully passed the examination requirements of the GOIA Statues for 2-Star Membership and is awarded the status of Fellow-Implant Specialist in 2005.

  • Participated in the Founding World Congress of the Global Oral Implant Academy “The Future meets innovation-Oral implantology today” at the Pacifico Yokohama Congress Center in Yokohama, Japan for 15 credit hours in 2005.

  • Elected as the Member of Board of Directors for the 13th election in the congress for tenure of one year at the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2005.

  • Elected as the Member of Board of Directors for the 14th election in the congress for tenure of one year at the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2006.

  • Taiwanese Dermatological Association certified that Che-Min Lin M.D. has participated in the educational activity titled 2006 Training Course on Intense Pulse Light Treatment and Cutaneous Laser Treatment.

  • Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry awarded Dr. Che-Min Lin has fulfilled the condition prescribed and has satisfied the examiners for admission to the Laser training doctor in dentistry in 2006.

  • Invited to attend also give a lecture at the 6th APACS World Congress on Cosmetic and Dermatologic Surgery with the theme “Innovations and Controversies”in Philippines in 2007.

  • Author of the KMU Dental Journal-Laser “Laser Gum Whitening” of Kaohsiung Medical University School of Dentistry Alumni Association in 2007.

  • Delivered a special lecture on “Diode Laser in Esthetic Dentistry” at the members’ annual conference by Laser and Photonics Medicine Society of the R.O.C. in 2007.

  • Received the Contribution Award from 2007 Congress of Asia Pacific Laser Institute in 2007.

  • Appointed as the Director and the Chairperson of Member Expansion Committee in the 15th election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2007.

  • Received the 25th Rotary Service Award from Taiwan Yuanshan Rotary Club in 2008.

  • Appointed as the Director and the Chairperson of Member Expansion Committee in the 16th election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2008.

  • Laser and Photonics Medicine Society of the Republic of China certified that Che-Min Lin M.D. has met the criteria of eligibility and has been elected an active member in good standing in 2008.

  • Participated in the Jiangxi Cosmetic Surgery Conference – the 1st Global Chinese Lecture in 2008. 

  • Appointed as the 4th Secretary-General of the Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry in 2009.

  • Appointed as the Director in the 8th election of Laser and Photonics Medicine Society of the R.O.C. in 2009.

  • Elected as the Deputy President of Board of Directors for the 17th election in the congress for tenure of one year, and for the appointment for the position of Committee on Public Relations Chairperson of Committee in the congress at the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2009.

  • Awarded by the Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China In appreciation of Dr. Che-Min Lin of the special lecture on Laser phototherapy in dentistry in 2009.

  • Member of Taiwan Micro Invasive Aesthetic Society from 2009.

  • Awarded by Taiwan Academy of Implant Dentistry as an editor for their book “Synopsis of Clinical Implant Dentistry“ in 2009.

  • Appointed as the Director in the 5th election of Laser and Photonics Medicine Society of the R.O.C. from 2010 to 2012.

  • Appointed as the Chairperson of Committee of Public Relations in the 5th election of Laser and Photonics Medicine Society of the R.O.C. from 2010 to 2012.

  • Delivered a lecture for Laser and Photonics Medicine Society of the R.O.C in 2010.

  • Appointed as Preparation Chairperson of the Preparation Committee for the Academy of Taiwan Cosmetic & Implant in 2010.

  • The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International has named Dr. Che-Min Lin in appreciation of tangible and significant assistance given for the furtherance of better understanding and friendly relations among peoples of the world in 2010.

  • A Certificate of appreciation has been presented to Dr. Che-Min Lin as a token of gratitude for his excellence lecture on “Integrate Lasers into the Dental Practice” on behalf of the Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry of the Republic of China in 2010.

  • A Certificate of appreciation has been presented to Dr. Che-Min Lin as a token of gratitude for his excellence lecture on “Esthetic dentistry including removal of pigmentation” on behalf of the Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry of the Republic of China in 2010.

  • Served as the lecturer for the Photodynamic Laser Targeted Therapy Seminar held by Chung Shan Medical University Oral Medicine Research Center in 2010, with the lecture topic of “Application of K-Laser in General Dentistry and Cosmetic Dentistry”.

  • Served as the lecturer for the Photodynamic Laser Targeted Therapy (Dental and Craniofacial) Seminar held by Taiwan Academy of Oral Pathology in 2010, with the lecture topic of “Application of K-Laser in General Dentistry”.

  • Completed the advanced training of “Lip and Facial Cosmetic and Laser Treatment” in 2010.

  • Received a certification to certify that Che-Min Lin has completed training in “Medical Research Ethics Workshop – Basic Course” on April 12, 2010 at Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital International Convention Center Taipei. Taiwan in 2010.

  • Appointed as the 1st Secretary-General of Academy of Taiwan Cosmetic & Implant from 2010 to 2013.

  • Delivered the special lecture of “Application of K-Laser in General Dentistry“ for Taoyuan County Dental Association in 2010.

  • Received the Laser and Pulse Light Treatment Diplomat from Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery and Anti-aging Medicine in 2010.

  • Honored with the position of exam board official for the 1st Specialist Exam of Academy of Taiwan Cosmetic & Implant in 2011.

  • Elected as the Deputy President of Board of Directors for the 19th election in the congress for tenure of one year at the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2011.

  • Appointed as the Member of Committee of Law and Regulations and Committee of Academy in the 18th election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists from 2011 to 2014.

  • Held the position of a writer for “Second Edition Clinical Oral Implantology” published by Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2011.

  • Completed the 3rd phase Oral and Facial Cosmetic and Laser Treatment held by Taiwan Academy of Oral Pathology in 2011.

  • Awarded a Certificate addressing that Dr. Lin, Che-Min has fulfilled the requirements as a Diplomate by the Academy of Taiwan Cosmetic & Implant (ATC) in 2011.

  • New York University College of Dentistry Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program awarded a certificate to certify Dr. Che Min Lin was a registered participant in 12th Annual NYU in Taiwan (Taipei) Program “Aesthetics, Implants and Occulusion for Smile Reconstruction” for 16 class hours in 2011.

  • Appointed as the Director and the Chairperson of Committee of Public Relations in the 5th election of Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry in 2012. 

  • Appointed as the Deputy President of Board of Director in the 20th election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2012.

  • Appointed as the Review Doctor for National Health Insurance Dental Clinic Global Budget System Taipei Branch under Taiwan Dental Association in 2012.

  • Attended in the 6th Members’ Meeting and the Lecture at Academic Seminar for Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry in 2012.

  • Delivered the special lecture on “New Concept and New Development of Oral and Maxillofacial Cosmetics” for Taoyuan County Dental Association in 2012.

  • Certified as the Training Doctor by Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry in 2012.

  • Delivered the special lecture of “Laser Application for Oral and Maxillofacial” for Taipei Dental Association in 2012.

  • Recognized as Oral and Maxillofacial Implant and Esthetic Specialist by Academy of Implant & Esthetics Dentistry in 2012.

  • The International Congress of Oral Implantologists certified that Dr. Che Min Lin has completed the requirements for Diplomate as set forth by the Board of Directors, and has demonstrated an exceptional in interest in the advancement of Implant Dentistry, and is thereby recognized with the title of DIPLOMATE of The International Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2013.

  • A Certificate for Appointment has been awarded to Dr. Che-Min Lin for the appointment for the position of the Chairperson of Committee on Research and Development in the Congress of Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2013.

  • Appointed as the Deputy President of Board of Director and the Chairperson of Committee on Research and Development in the 21st election of the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2013.

  • New York University College of Dentistry Linhart Continuing Dental Education Program awarded a certificate to certify Dr. Che-Min Lin was a registered participant in 14th Annual NYU in Taiwan (Taipei) Program “Clinical and Treatment Strategies for Ultimate Aesthetic and Implant Success” in 2013.

  • Delivered the lecture with topic “Implant Digital Surgery Instruction Model” at Implantologist Training Programmed organized by the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2014.

  • Received the Contribution Appreciation Award from Taipei Dental Association in 2014.

  • Elected as the Deputy President of Board of Director in the 22nd election in the congress for tenure of one year at the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2014.

  • Held position as the President of National Taiwan University Dental School Alumni Association Branch from 2014 to 2016.

  • Held position as the Review Medicine Specialist of Taipei Review Branch under Taiwan Dental Association Dental Clinic Service Department from 2014 to 2016.

  • Engaged as the writer for “Latest Dental Mainstream Periodicals” published by Taipei Dental Association 2014.

  • Appointed as the Member of the Mainland Affairs Committee in the 19th election of the Taipei Dental Association from 2014 to 2016.

  • Appointed as the Member of the Dental Technology Committee in the 19th election of the Taipei Dental Association from 2014 to 2016.

  • Appointed as the Member of the Academy Committee in the 19th election of the Taipei Dental Association from 2014 to 2016.

  • Appointed as the Director in the 5th election of National Taiwan University Dental School Alumni Association from 2014 to 2016.

  • Appointed as the lecturer for Implant and Micro Invasive Cosmetic Surgery Specialist Training Program organized b Academy of Taiwan Cosmetic & Implant (ATC) in 2014.

  • Appointed as the Director in the 7th election of Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry from 2014 to 2016.

  • Awarded with Professional Implantologist Certificate by Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists to certify that Dr. Che-Min Lin has satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements of the training course on: Professional Implantologist in 2014.

  • Delivered the lecture with topic “Implant Digital Surgery Instruction Model” at Implantologist Training Programmed organized by the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2015.

  • Received the Contribution Appreciation Award from Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry in 2015.

  • Received Micro Invasive Surgery Specialist Certification from Taiwan Micro Invasive Aesthetic Society in 2015.

  • Appointed as the Chair Reviewer for Advanced Implantologists by Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2015.

  • Participated in the special program on the 23rd Members’ Meeting of Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists with the topic of“Evaluation of Lower Facial Contour Change Using 3D Photography after Botulinum Toxin A Injections into Bilateral Masseter Muscles” in 2015.

  • Appointed as the Host for the Specialist Training Programme organized by of Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists 2015.

  • Elected as the Chief Supervisor for the 24th election of the congress for tenure of one year at Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2016.

  • Delivered the lecture with topic “Implant Digital Surgery Instruction Model” at Implantologist Training Programmed organized by the Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2016.

  • Awarded with Advanced Professional Implantologist Certificate by Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists to certify that Dr. Che-Min Lin has satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements of the training course on: Advanced Professional Implantologist in 2016.

  • Appointed as the Director of Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry in 2016.

  • Received the Certificate from the Academy of Oral Implantology Taiwan to certify that Dr. Che-Min Lin has fulfilled the requirements as a Diplomate of Oral Implantology with all the privileges and delegations thereto pertaining in 2017. 

  • Received Excellence Leadership Award by Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2017.

  • Received Contribution Appreciation Award by Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2017.

  • Engaged as the writer for “Analysis on Latest Dental Clinical Cases” published by Taipei Dental Association 2017.

  • Elected as the Vice President for the 25th election of the congress for tenure of one year at Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2017.

  • Elected as the Deputy President of Board of Director for the 25th election of the congress for tenure of one year at Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2017.

  • A Certificate for Appointment has been awarded to Dr. Che-Min Lin for the appointment for the position of Chairperson of Committee on Physician Education and Counselling in the congress at Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2017.

  • Elected as the President for the 26th election of the congress for tenure of one year at Taipei Congress of Oral Implantologists in 2018.

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